Where bright
minds meet








オーストラリア / シンガポール / 中国 / インド 


アブダビ / カサブランカ / ドバイ / アフリカ


サンパウロ / ニューヨーク / ワシントン


アムステルダム / イスタンブール / デュッセルドルフ / パリ / バルセロナ / ブカレスト / プラハ / フランクフルト / ブリュッセル / マドリード / ミュンヘン / ミラノ / ルクセンブルグ / ローマ / ロンドン / ワルシャワ

Secondment opportunities for associates at Clifford Chance

Antitrust Secondment Exchange Programme

We have a global network of over 160 antitrust lawyers covers all the key hubs of Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US. Our antitrust secondment exchange programme offers associates the chance to drive collaboration across markets, practice areas, regions and countries. We aim to build agile teams with the skills, capabilities, and mindset to win and confidently deliver complex mandates with the world's leading businesses.

Our antitrust teams work together to solve global antitrust issues, taking into account the interplay between different practices and rules, and always mindful of the practical implications antitrust issues may have on our clients' business.

Available to our Antitrust associates who would like to take a short-term secondment (six-month maximum) to another office.

Technology Secondment Exchange Programme

Our technology teams create new digital solutions to deliver our legal services in different and innovative ways. Technology sets us apart in transforming legal service delivery. Engaging with our clients and business partners, we creatively combine our core technology solutions with flexible application to deliver efficiencies.

We value our global reach and range of resources across five continents; our technology secondment exchange programme offers associates the chance to drive collaboration across markets, regions and countries. We aim to build agile teams with the skills, capabilities and mindset to win and confidently deliver complex mandates with the world's leading businesses.

Available to associates with an interest in Tech law, with a minimum of two years qualification experience, who would like to take a short-term secondment (six months maximum) to another office.